Rotary Minute:
Good morning and thank you
Fellow Rotarians and guests
This morning we’re off on an
Information-type quest.
It will take just a minute
60 seconds to act
And together we’ll learn
A few Rotary facts.
Each July marks the start
Of a new year in Rotary
And for the very first time
Our R.I. President is a she!
Her first name is Jennifer
Her last name is Jones
And even more special
She calls Canada home
Windsor specifically
An Ontario gal
A new kind of leader
With big plans and great style.
Imagine Rotary
Is her international theme
The logo is stunning
In hues of purple and green.
Her goal is to communicate
Both in person and online
To shine a light on Rotary
And it’s work for mankind.
So that in a nutshell
Is your first Rotary class
And if you didn’t enjoy it
You can all kiss my ass-ignment.