Upcoming Event and Morning Meeting

Posted on Feb 04, 2025
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Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, Notre Dame Room
 February 6th, 7:30am
Come celebrate the success of Mission 31 with Sally Dunton Chair of of the Mission 31committee;
Gary Newbury from the Elgin Street Mission;
Bart Day from the Day Group; and,
Rod St. Denis from Chris’s Independent Grocer.
Greeter: Dawn Condon, Kim Davis-Chiarot
O Canada: Sonia Del Missier
 Reflection/ Rotary Prayer: Adney Fernandes
Toast to the King: Beau Frescura
International Toast: Don Garrioch
Upcoming Event and Morning Meeting 2025-02-04 05:00:00Z 0

News Sunrisers Can Use

Posted on Apr 29, 2024
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Young Soccer Players Hit the Pitch
The two Rotary Clubs in Sudbury will team up with Sudburnia Soccer Club to host the first annual U7-U10 soccer tournament to be held in Rotary Park on Saturday, June 8th to Sunday, June 9th from 9am to 6pm daily. This is a great opportunity to promote Rotary and Rotary Park to players, parents, and fans. If you would like to volunteer at this event, please contact Sunriser David Munch. 
Rotary Park Marathon
Both Rotary Clubs in Sudbury are joining forces this August to host the 1st annual community/corporate marathon at Rotary Park. Teams can split up the route however they see fit, which will start at the gates to Rotary Park and finish at the Mountain St. exit. If you are interested in joining the organizing committee or volunteering at the event, please contact Rotary Park committee Chair, Brian Smith. 
News Sunrisers Can Use 2024-04-29 04:00:00Z 0

We missed you last week

At last week’s meeting our guest speaker was local funeral director and renowned philanthropist, Geoffrey Lougheed. While Geoff has received many community, provincial and national accolades, it was clear during his presentation on the Sudbury Food Bank, that what was most important to him, was his ability to do good in the world today. He provided some background on how the food bank started 40 years ago which focused on how individuals would eat that day. Today the Food Bank serves 17 thousand people every month, the majority of which are children. Geoff emphasized the importance of meeting people where they are at and treating everyone with respect and care. A full 100% of funds raised go directly to purchasing and distributing over 500 tons of food every year for our community.
We missed you last week 2023-11-15 05:00:00Z 0
New Story 2022-10-06 04:00:00Z 0

District News

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We are celebrating Membership and New Club Development during August. Our members come to Rotary, and stay with Rotary, to make a positive change through service and to build lifelong friendships.
District News 2022-08-16 04:00:00Z 0

Weekly Updates

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At last week's meeting our guest speaker was Dr. Richard Denton, Rotary District 7010 District Governor. Richard is a retired country Doctor, former Mayor of Kirkland Lake and associate professor at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.
Weekly Updates Sylvie Gaskin 2022-08-09 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Minute

Rotary Minute


Good morning and thank-you

Fellow Rotarians and guests

Today’s Rotary Minute

Will highlight the best.


The best in each profession

With high ethics and morals 

The movers and the shakers

Who put service above laurels


I’m referring of course, to Membership

And in that, Sunrisers shine

Our roster is as diverse

As Boyce’s cellar of wine.


Sylvie links tele-health care

Jeff’s bio research is renowned

Dawn salutes the morning sun

And Gerry is the last to let us down. 


Sean supports his fellow veterans

Shannon’s clinic helps the concussed

Mick rules the airwaves for charity

And Kris brings in big donor bucks


Julie keeps our feet pain free

Amanda provides a safe haven

David cares for Finnish elders

And Giorgio’s a real estate maven


Admirable vocations to be sure

We even welcome retirees 

But together our common mission

Is to serve the community.


So that my fellow Sunrisers

Is this morning’s Rotary minute

Today’s lesson? Our membership rocks

Cuz of all the Sunrisers in it!

Rotary Minute Sandi Campbell 2022-08-09 04:00:00Z 0

District News 7010

August 1, 2022

imageGreetings from your District Governor to you friendly Rotarians.  “Once you stop learning, you start dying” – Albert Einstein. Being a DG is a new experience for me and like you as new presidents, new board members, this is a learning experience.  This past month, I have started visiting you, your clubs, seeing your many projects that help your communities and participating in your events.
I and our district team are here to support you. The summer has been Gay Pride Month, or week, or day in your communities. Rotary supports Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Rotary, like us, is changing. I have visited Collingwood and took part in their Gay Pride Parade. My mentor, past RI Director, Past Zone 28 (our zone), and past member of the Collingwood South Georgian Bay club, Valerie Wafer and her husband Mark, participated in the Gay Pride Parade in Toronto holding a banner with the word Rotary on it. We need to get our brand out there to the public and also let them know that we support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The Collingwood clubs have purchased banners for just this purpose at a cost of about $200. Let people know that we are in their community and helping to make it better.
Valerie is also head of Rotary International’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. We need to welcome all who are willing to “serve above self” and “do good in the world” regardless of their sexual orientation, religion, race, political stripe, age, ethnic background, etc. We are a welcoming organization. 

imageWe also need to partner with each other.  The three “Collingwood-Wasaga Beach” Rotary clubs got together for this parade, with their Presidents; Sue Bragg, Tim Knorr and Kevin de Groot. If you and your club needs help, reach out to another club.  

Have fun. Challenge another club to a baseball game this summer. Have a BBQ together. Work on projects together. My own Sudbury club and the Sudbury Sunrisers both work on our Rotary Park. Rotary International also works with Kiwanis, Lions, Probus, and Optimist clubs and you can too. I met President Sue Bragg at her house. On the front lawn, was a Rotary “Little Library”. In the driveway was a Kiwanis trailer (her husband is a member), for drop off for alcohol bottles. They have raised over $10,000 with this. Now, due to Covid, etc., some clubs are finding membership is declining, but we can all come together to strengthen each other. Let’s work together.

We are people of action. September 11th has been declared by our Federal and Provincial (Ontario) governments as a "Day of Service". With Rotary's motto of "Service above Self", this would be a great opportunity to make September 11th our District's "Day of Service". 

You know your Club and Community best, so I will leave it up to the clubs to choose their activities they want to participate with. Road/shoreline cleanups? Reading to seniors or working with your local retirement homes? Showing appreciation to our First Responders? The list is endless. Contact the media. Showcase your club and community service. Let’s turn a day that was so horrendous, into something more positive. Let's all participate in our Day of Service. Let's never forget. – Kevin de Groot, District Community Service Chair, a member of the Wasaga Beach club, is taking the lead on this.
imageRegister for our District Conference 24- 25 of September at the Holiday Inn on Regent Street. It will be “Groovy Baby” at our Gala dinner and dance. We have reduced the registration fee and shortened the conference to two days - beginning at 10 am on the Saturday and ending on Sunday at 2:45 pm. We will still have our home hosting Friday night. You won’t have to miss work on Friday and can save money on your accommodations too. Refunds will be sent out to those who had already paid in full. Register today!
Symposium on the
Norwegian Joy
September 1-6, 2022
Symposium in Anchorage November 3-5, 2022
The Rotary Club of Haliburton is organizing pre and post convention tours of New Zealand and Australia. For more info > read here.
District News 7010 2022-08-03 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Minute

Where we fit in the Rotary World

The Sudbury Sunrisers is one of two clubs in Sudbury.

We are part of District 7010, which brings together 42 Rotary Clubs, made up of 1450 members, encompassing North and Central Ontario and Northwestern Quebec. Our newest club hails from Blind River who joined our district in July.

There are 530 Districts around the world, all working to better their communities under Rotary International’s banner - service above self.

This year our District Governor hails from Sudbury. Dr. Richard Denton will host Rotarians from across the region at our annual district conference to be held Sept. 24-25. Of course the highlight of the district conference this year will be the Sunrisers breakfast on Sunday morning, featuring our own Matt Bonin as keynote speaker.

I would encourage all Sunrisers to register for the conference. There are reduced rates for first-timers and a dinner-only option if you would like to bring your partner to the Saturday gala. Dress is hippie casual as we are promoting peace and the environment.

And that fellow Sunrisers and guests, is your Rotary Minute!


Rotary Minute Sandi Campbell 2022-07-26 04:00:00Z 0

Weekly Updates

At last week's Rotary meeting Kris Cacciotti provided Sunrisers with background on vocational talks, then hosted a panel, with himself, President Ian Lane and Carla Lacelle. Each of them provided an overview of their current vocation, what led them to their current role, what they are passionate about, and what characteristics they feel had led to their success. It was evident that all three had very interesting, and varied career paths, that were motivating and meaningful.
Weekly Updates Sylvie Gaskin 2022-07-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Minute

Rotary Minute:
Good morning and thank you
Fellow Rotarians and guests
This morning we’re off on an 
Information-type quest.
It will take just a minute
60 seconds to act
And together we’ll learn
A few Rotary facts.
Each July marks the start
Of a new year in Rotary
And for the very first time 
Our R.I. President is a she!
Her first name is Jennifer
Her last name is Jones
And even more special
She calls Canada home
Windsor specifically
An Ontario gal
A new kind of leader
With big plans and great style.
Imagine Rotary
Is her international theme
The logo is stunning
In hues of purple and green.
Her goal is to communicate
Both in person and online
To shine a light on Rotary 
And it’s work for mankind.
So that in a nutshell
Is your first Rotary class
And if you didn’t enjoy it
You can all kiss my ass-ignment.
Rotary Minute Sandi Campbell 2022-07-12 04:00:00Z 0

District News

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Greetings from your new District Governor to you friendly Rotarians. Welcome to a new Rotary fiscal year. Welcome new Presidents and your boards. We have a new Rotary International President, Jennifer Jones, our first woman in this role from Windsor, Ontario!  Happy Canada Day.
District News Carla Lacelle 2022-07-05 04:00:00Z 0

YMCA Peace Medallion Breakfast

Our breakfast meeting on Nov. 22 will be at the YMCA for their Peace medallion Ceremony. This breakfast has been something that our club has attended for years so we can support our fellow Sunriser family member, Alex McCauley, who chairs the YMCA board. Breakfast will be served at 7:00am and we will start the ceremony at 7:30am.
YMCA Peace Medallion Breakfast 2018-11-08 05:00:00Z 0

Elgin Street Mission

The Elgin St Mission - Christmas Campaign Please Volunteer Your Company Team or Friends & Family to Serve Dinner at the Elgin St Mission one evening during December - its an easy team building event with tonnes of great feelings attached.  A team of 7 volunteers are needed to help a) set up dinner service b) prep buns & plates  c) serve the food to Mission guests d) Help with dish washing & kitchen clean up - Volunteers are needed from 5 to 8:45 pm every night during December - Contact Dawn dlarsen@navigatormarketing.ca 705 918 2090 - $500 sponsorship for companies $250 for friends & community groups - cheques to Elgin St Mission.  Can't volunteer ? Please consider making a cash donation - Our fundraising goal this year is $5,000 cash  Committee: Dawn, David & Mel. Contact Dawn about volunteering at dlarsen@navigatormarketing.ca or 705-918-2090 ***Still looking for groups on Dec 23, 28, 29, 30, 31***
Please DONATE to the Elgin Street Mission. Last year the Mission served over 110,000 hot meals. They rely solely on community donations to exist. pls donate today. Add Rotary Campaign in the "note" section - link
Last group:
DAY 15 thank you to Rotarian. Karen Galipeau and the HOG chapter 9006 ( Harley Owners Group) for serving hundteds of hot meals and making a financial donation of over $250 towards the Elgin Street Mission Rotary Club of Sudbury Sunrisers 31 Days of Christmas.
Elgin Street Mission 2018-10-15 04:00:00Z 0
Last weeks meeting Catherine Coe 2018-08-30 04:00:00Z 0
This weeks meeting 2018-08-16 04:00:00Z 0
Happy Tuesday friends 2018-08-07 04:00:00Z 0

Message from President Darlene

Posted by Darlene Palmer

Greetings Sunrisers,

One of the changes that Rotary International made this year was the relaxation of the rules regarding attendance at meetings. This is something that we all know needed to be addressed because of more members having to travel for a living, and others raising young families and not always being able to be at every meeting.

Our club attendance stands at 49% for the year. However, we have observed that it is the same people consistently at the meetings. My fear is that people no longer feel the urgency that comes with the mandatory attendance, so they casually miss a meeting here and there and before you know it, a month has gone by and not one meeting has been attended. It is so easy to do in this very fast paced world.

Our Thursday meetings are opportunities not only to hear guest speakers but to enjoy the fellowship and comradery that is our reason for being. Each meeting brings us together to share stories, laugh and get to know each other better. By doing so, we learn that although each of us have “stuff” going on in our lives, we are all committed Rotarians joining together to “have fun while doing good” in our community.

Missing a meeting means you don’t get to see the beautiful glow that Becky has during her pregnancy. You don’t find out why Rob is using a cane or how Steve D. tore the ligaments in his foot. You miss out laughing at Brian's corny jokes or hearing about Steve H.’s latest adventures overseas. You don’t get to learn about upcoming projects that you might be interested in participating in or hear an update on how little Everett is doing at Sick Kids hospital.

So many of us think of Rotary as family and to me, each Thursday is like family dinner. We come together to catch up and feel the bond that brings us together. It is a great feeling to be a part of this amazing Sunrisers family, and you get to renew that feeling every Thursday morning for a wonderful breakfast and fellowship. If you have missed some meetings I encourage you to come and renew your commitment to the family, to the club, to Rotary. We make a difference – every Thursday morning at 7:30.

Yours in Rotary,


Message from President Darlene Darlene Palmer 2018-04-26 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Abroad

Hugo Chen recently stumbled upon the Rotary Club of Kufstein, Austria.
Rotarians Abroad 2018-04-19 04:00:00Z 0

Leadership Team 2017/18

Past President: Louise Bergeron
President Elect: Kris Cacciotti
Secretary: Tyler Stott
Treasurer: Curtis Roy / Luann Belfry
Sergeant at Arms: Mick Weaver
5 Avenues of Service
Club Service
     Director: Louise Bergeron
     - Admin: Kris Cacciotti / Becky Ducharme
     - Membership: Luann Belfry
     - Fellowship:  Trina Tallon
     - PR / Media: Sandi Campbell
     - Program: Jeff Sutton (Don Garrioch, Gerry Lougheed, Jr., Brian Smith)
Community Service
     Director: Mel Dionne
     - Rotary Park: Brian (Mike Staffen, Mike Pagnutti)
     - Fishing for Food: Mick Weaver / Lori Harris (Barb Roy, Amanda Berloni, Steve Doni, Becky Ducharme, Mike Pagnutti)
     - Fill-a-Crib: Shannon Kenrick-Rochon
     - December serving at the Mission: Dawn Larsen / Giorgio Lagana
     - Blood Donation Drive: Lisette Wirta / Mel Dionne
     - Vive Le Vin: Sue Lekun
Vocational Service
     Director: David Munch
     Chair: Annette Cressy
International Service
     Director: Sonia Del Missier
     - Stephen Havlovic
     - Barb Roy
     - Becky Ducharme
     - Amélie Hien
     - Maureen McNamara
New Generations (Youth)
     - Sheilah Weber (Protection Officer)
     - Maureen McNamara
Foundation / Paul Harris
     Director: Beau Frescura
Leadership Team 2017/18 2017-07-13 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Sunrisers Presidential Turnover

As you may have seen,  the Rotary Sunrisers' Presidential Turnover will be held at Raffi's house on Wednesday, June 28th starting at 6:00 p.m.
Weather permitting, the festivities will be held outside. Dinner will be catered by Regency Bakery and beverages will be supplied. The cost is $20 per person. Please bring your own folding chair, bug spray, jackets, and sippy cups. Spouses welcome.
The address is as follows:
185 Merrygale Drive
Sudbury, ON P3E 6K5
Please RSVP to Trina via email at trina@ndlc.ca.
Rotary Sunrisers Presidential Turnover 2017-06-28 04:00:00Z 0

Support for International Work

At the recommendation of the International Committee, the Rotary Club of Sudbury Sunrisers recently provided $500 to Chanel to support her efforts on behalf of Me to We.  Chanel will be embarking on a mission to India to work on a water well project.  We are hoping that upon her return from India, Chanel will join us at a meeting to share her experiences with us.


Support for International Work 2017-06-08 04:00:00Z 0

Blues for Food

The Noon Club has extended an invitation to the Sunrisers to come out and join them on Saturday, June 10, 2017 for Blues for Food.  There will be an excellent line-up of musical acts for the day, starting at noon and playing through to 8:00 PM.  Why not spend your Saturday enjoying a great event in support of the Food Bank!
Blues for Food 2017-06-06 04:00:00Z 0

Helping people with disabilities make their own music

Music has been an important part of leading an ordinary life for students at the Music School for Children With Disabilities in Honor of Paul Harris in Lublin, Poland. Founded by Rotary members, the school serves 20 students with various disabilities, including Down syndrome, autism, and visual impairments. The Rotary Club of Lublin-Centrum-Maria Curie-Sklodowska has provided funding with help from Rotary Foundation Matching Grants and the Henryk Wieniawski Musical Society, which houses the school.
After their son Mateusz was born with underdeveloped eyes, Mariusz and Joanna Kania looked for ways to help him be active. When he showed an aptitude for music, they looked for a teacher and were thrilled to find the Paul Harris music school.
Helping people with disabilities make their own music 2015-05-01 00:00:00Z 0

Finding Safe Haven

For years, Angalia Bianca had slept in abandoned buildings throughout Chicago. She stole. She did drugs. She spent time in and out of jail for forgery, theft, trespassing, and possession of narcotics. But after she landed in prison for the seventh time, something changed -- Bianca knew she wanted a better life. She just didn’t know how to make it happen.
After serving her time, Bianca sought help from a local homeless organization, A Safe Haven, and moved to its shelter in the Rogers Park neighborhood. Bianca followed the program closely -- she attended all the required meetings, passed drug tests, and volunteered at every opportunity.
Finding Safe Haven 2015-05-01 00:00:00Z 0

Saving lives in Ghana

What is it like taking a large team to Africa?  It has probably been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. In mid February, I began leading Rotary members from all over the East Coast of the United States through Ghana. I’ve tried to give the team a warm Ghanaian welcome like I’ve received on my earlier trips. A large trip is a real blessing because each person sees Ghana and our work in a different way.

A highlight for the team was greeting the chief of Sagadugu. The team got excited about buying goats and food for children in the villages where I support eight churches. It was good to see the pastors of most of the eight churches, and I had to explain that we were just passing through on our way to Bolgatanga.
Saving lives in Ghana 2015-05-01 00:00:00Z 0

India celebrates three years without polio

Throughout India and around the world, Rotary clubs are celebrating a major milestone: India has gone three years without a new case of polio. The last reported case was a two-year-old girl in West Bengal on 13 January 2011. To mark this historic triumph, Rotary clubs illuminated landmarks and iconic structures throughout the country with four simple but powerful words, "India is polio free."
The three-year achievement sets the stage for polio-free certification of the entire Southeast Asia region by the World Health Organization. The Indian government also plans to convene a polio summit in February to commemorate this victory in the global effort to eradicate polio.
India celebrates three years without polio 2014-02-26 00:00:00Z 0